Framing Pastel Artwork

Framing Pastel Artwork

A dilemma facing pastellists is the framing of their pastel artwork.  One of the many attractions of soft pastels as a medium is that they age very well. They don’t crack or fade, so when treated well, they can look just as vibrant after decades or even...
How to Draw With Pastels

How to Draw With Pastels

One of the attractions of working with pastels is that there’s nothing stopping you from just diving in. If you have paper and some pastel sticks, you can get started immediately without needing to learn any ‘correct’ way of doing things. However, once you’ve gotten...
How to Layer Pastels

How to Layer Pastels

I was asked a question the other day about how to layer pastels and what exactly it means. Simply put – Layering is putting one layer of pastel on top of another. I see a lot of artists who are new to pastels only ever putting on one or two layers of pastel....
Pastel Painting Tips

Pastel Painting Tips

Nothing beats some good pastel painting tips. So here are three I believe are worthy of telling you. These tips are the first of a series of pastel painting tips that I will add to as this website grows. Tip #1 Train Yourself. Some days it’s just not convenient...
Get Started with Pastels

Get Started with Pastels

There’s not much you need to know about pastels to get started. However, these few points may help. Pastels don’t have the glamour of oil paints, and they’re a lot messier than pencils. But pastels have some unique advantages. Unlike paint, colours are mixed on...

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