Painting With Pastels
Using pastels to create beautiful paintings.

Using Pastels.

I have written several books on how to use pastels.

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A wonderful way to learn more about pastels!

Articles and Paintings.

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Hi! My name is Fee
I love painting with pastels

I have been using pastels on and off now for many years and love this medium.
I started with charcoal and pastels, then went on to acrylic and oil paints. However, I found them a little restricting, so I went back to pastels realizing this was my medium of choice.

My dream is to help even just one budding pastel artist experience the versatility and freedom of this medium utterly free of charge.
Please look around this website and feel free to reach out to me if you have a question.

Regardless whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pastelist, I certainly hope you can get some good information from this site. Painting with pastels is dedicated to just that – the art of working with pastels.


By the way, if you’re wondering about the photo ….. yes, that’s my cat on my box of pastels. You can imagine the colour of his fur by the time he woke up!!!!


If you’re new to pastels I really encourage you to subscribe to my 10-day FREE email course. It will be the start you need.

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