Hi Fee! First of all, I think you are BRILLIANT to have written a how-to E-book; it is truly the way to go now! And I loved the link that showed yours, and other’s work; it is inspirational!
When I was in high school, and taking art classes, I learned the beginning basics on drawing and painting. After I graduated, I went directly into a job painting cartoon animation (the old fashioned way) with bottled paint on mylar acetate “cells”. It didn’t last very long, and I ended up in the corporate world, but still “puttered” with art as a hobby.
I am 54 now, and “re-learning” how to draw and paint, by books and classes (when I can afford them), trial and error. I have been exploring as many mediums as I can, trying to find the “one” that fits my time, style and space. That said, when I stumbled onto your site, I was intrigued. Haven’t done pastels since high school. So I signed up for your free lessons and bought some pastels and paper on ebay. The moment they arrived, (in a broken, powdery MESS) I remembered all too distinctly why I gave them up!
But as I continued to read your lessons, I realized just how much pastel painting has “evolved”, and how many new “types” of pastels are available. I’ve seen pan pastels at work; but mostly from friends who scrapbook using rubber stamps. It never occurred to me that they could actually be used to paint a picture with.
When I can afford it, I intend to purchase your e-book and learn more about the new, varied pastels available and look forward to trying my hand at it. Thank you for the opportunity, the advice and the encouragement.