Framing Pastel Artwork

Framing Pastel Artwork

A dilemma facing pastellists is the framing of their pastel artwork.  One of the many attractions of soft pastels as a medium is that they age very well. They don’t crack or fade, so when treated well, they can look just as vibrant after decades or even...
How to Draw With Pastels

How to Draw With Pastels

One of the attractions of working with pastels is that there’s nothing stopping you from just diving in. If you have paper and some pastel sticks, you can get started immediately without needing to learn any ‘correct’ way of doing things. However, once you’ve gotten...
How to Paint Using Oil Pastels

How to Paint Using Oil Pastels

You might have heard of artists using oil pastels. They’re the younger, cooler kid brother to regular soft pastels, and they differ from soft pastels in that they use an oil and wax binder instead of a gum one. The pigments they contain are the same though, so...
Different Types of Pastels

Different Types of Pastels

Even though there are many different types of pastels they are essentially small-sized sticks that are obtainable in several shades. Using pastels you are able to bring forth diverse moods in any painting. Painting with pastels gives a flexible medium that provides...
An Overview of Pastel Painting

An Overview of Pastel Painting

Pastel painting is terrific for those who enjoy the freedom of free-flowing strokes. It is also an easy medium to use, with minimal clean-up. A painting begins with gentle strokes first. The reason is that the stroke is vitally important. It is all in the building up...

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