by Fee OShea | General, Tips
Save by making your own There’s no shortage of commercially available pastels. You only need to walk into an art supply store to see the vast range of colors, values, sizes and manufacturers. So why would you want to make your own? There are mainly two reasons. The...
by Fee OShea | General, Tips
Is it worth putting your paintings into
cheap picture frames? A comment on my Facebook page the other day said that the artist would love to get into pastel painting, but the cost of framing the painting was too high. Now I can relate to that 100%, as taking your...
by Fee OShea | General, Tips
A dilemma facing pastellists is the framing of their pastel artwork. One of the many attractions of soft pastels as a medium is that they age very well. They don’t crack or fade, so when treated well, they can look just as vibrant after decades or even...
by Fee OShea | General, Tips
One of the attractions of working with pastels is that there’s nothing stopping you from just diving in. If you have paper and some pastel sticks, you can get started immediately without needing to learn any ‘correct’ way of doing things. However, once you’ve gotten...