Travel and Protection of Your Pastel Painting

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Traveling with Your Pastel Paintings

Traveling offers a wonderful opportunity to capture the beauty of the countryside. Whether you’re exploring in a motor home, camper, or boat, many artists bring along their favorite medium—pastels—to paint the scenes that inspire them. Pastels are a fantastic choice because they’re dry and offer vibrant colors. However, protecting your finished pastel paintings during travel can be a challenge. Here are some tips and methods to help safeguard your artwork.

Protecting Your Artwork

Before packing your paintings, it’s essential to have a protective layer between them. The best option is glassine—a smooth, non-static paper that resists grease, air, and water. The beauty of glassine is that it doesn’t attract pastel particles.  Alternatively, grease-proof paper works as a second option, though it’s not quite as effective.

Note: glassine can be hard to find and may be expensive.

Experiment with a few pastel paintings that you aren’t too worried about smudging. This trial run will help you determine which protective paper best suits your needs.

Method 1: Using an Artist’s Satchel

If your work fits comfortably in an artist’s satchel, follow these steps:

  1. Gather Your Supplies:
    • Drawing Board: Use a foam board (such as Gator Foam), cut slightly larger than your paper.
    • Bulldog Clips
    • Cardboard: Cut a piece for each painting to serve as a backing.
    • Protective Paper: Cut glassine or grease-proof paper slightly larger than your painting.
    • Acid-Free Artist Tape
  2. Pack Your Artwork:
    • Once your painting is finished, tape it onto a piece of cardboard.
    • Place a layer of protective paper over it and secure it with tape.
    • Carefully place the prepared painting in your satchel.
    • Repeat this process for each painting to ensure all are safely stored until you return home.


Method 2: DIY Foam Board Folder

If you don’t have an artist’s satchel, this DIY folder method is a great alternative:

  1. Prepare the Foam Board:
    • Purchase a piece of Gator foam board.
    • Cut two pieces slightly larger than your painting using a ruler and craft knife.
  2. Create a Hinged Folder:
    • Tape the two foam board pieces together along the bottom edge to form a hinged folder that opens easily.
    • Reinforce the inside with strong tape (ideally, one with a vinyl or cloth finish for extra durability). For additional strength, add an extra layer of tape over the edges.
  3. Store Your Artwork:
    • Insert your painting along with a layer of glassine or protective paper into the folder.
    • Secure the folder at the top using bulldog clips.

This folder not only protects your work but can also double as a drawing board. When you’re ready to paint, attach a piece of paper to the front using the clips, and then simply insert your finished work inside with a protective layer on top.

If you’re wanting step by step lessons head over to the Shop and view my books.

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